Wednesday, May 5, 2010

#9 Passing the torch

It is with some embarrassment that I post this... we've been home from Belize for a few weeks now (mea culpa). Instead of making excuses, I'll just tell you that we've been busy processing samples, working up data, and planning for our next adventures.

We already miss the reef, the island, and the cameraderie of working in such remote locations.

It's been a pleasure to collaborate with the Smithsonian Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems Program, and to represent the New England Aquarium. Pete was a good sport - besides helping out with dozens of projects and writing blog posts - he also agreed to pose for the photograph below.

Peter Gawne carrying the banner.

Although our trip is now behind us, the Belizean adventure is far from over. Explorer Brian Skerry is there right now, on a 6-week expedition photographing Whale Sharks in Gladden Spit. We're wishing him a successful and productive trip, and we can't wait to hear about it!

And so, we officially pass the torch to Brian, and we'll see you on our next adventure (stay tuned!).

-Randi and Pete-

Peter Gawne and Randi Rotjan, with Carrie Bow Caye in the background.

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