Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bahamas Research Expedition - We have arrived!

With no travel problems whatsoever, and after breezing through customs, we arrived at Nettie's Place - a wonderfully rustic island hotel.

Leah (Course T.A.) writes:

Our day began at 5:30 a.m. for myself, Andy, and the gang. We caravaned up to Logan Airport from the Roger Williams campus. Shortly after, Randi, Charlie, and Joe arrived, we checked our mountain of luggage and dive gear and made our way to the gate. Dan was MIA for quite sometime--it turned out he was waiting for us curbside and couldn't understand why WE were all so late!!!

During our layover in Ft. Lauderdale, Andy, Joe, Dan, Charlie, and Randi headed out to track down some last minute dive gear (and a nice lunch) while I was left watching "the kids. "They studied hard for tomorrow's exam, but also relaxed and played some games. We enjoyed the airport as much as anyone can, but we were all eager to get to the Bahamas.

The hop over to Nassau was very quick, almost as fast as our run through customs! With gear and group packed into two vans, we headed for our hotel. After dropping our bags in our rooms, we immediately hit the pool, disregarding the "pool closed" sign. What a relief to finally be here!

Dinner at the hotel lounge was delicious; our first taste of Bahamian cuisine. Tomorrow the students take their exam on fish identification, then it's straight to the dock to meet up with our boat. I can't wait for our first dive!

Back to Charlie:

Stay tuned for more adventures of our Bahamian Expedition! Photos coming soon...


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