Monday, March 14, 2011

Indonesia Expedition: Snapshots from Raja Ampat

[Note: The Indonesia Expedition Team safely weathered the tsunami that was caused by the March 11 earthquake off the coast of Japan. Fortunately they were able to move their boats off shore to deep water as and the tsunami passed underneath.] 

Here are some photos from the expedition that haven't appeared on the blog yet.

Crown of thorns starfish eats coral on a seamount (Photo: Greg Stone)

(Photo: Greg Stone)

Raja Ampat (Photo: Greg Stone)

The deck of the Putripapua with Mof Island ahead (Photo: Alan Dynner)

Dr. Mark Erdmann and Erdi Lazuri (Photo: Alan Dynner)

Raja Ampat Sunset (Photo: Alan Dynner)

If you haven't been following the expedition up until now, don't miss Expedition Leader Dr. Greg Stone's post introducing the objective to discover hidden seamounts and get an overview of the record-setting biodiversity of this area of Indonesia from Dr. Mark Erdmann

You'll also want to read this post by Dr. Randi Rotjan and Dr. Crissy Huffard post about the corals of Raja Ampat. See Raja Ampat from every angle with Brian Skerry's entry about aerial photography and two posts about using Remote Operated Vehicles to search for seamounts, this one from Dr. Bruce Robison and this one from ROV pilot Marko Talkovic

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