Sunday, May 15, 2011

Belize Expedition: Until next time...

We're home in Boston, and it's always a funny feeling to put on a jacket, wear shoes, sit at a desk, and drive a car (instead of a boat).

Daily commute to the reef from Carrie Bow Caye.

We had a busy but productive 2 weeks. Every day, there were 2 to 3 dives, usually 1 or more snorkels, lab work, data entry, and a hermit crab experiment at night. All of this work will now take a few months to process and analyze, but we'll get through it. Thankfully, we've already done the majority of data entry on-island.

Pete enters data while Walter disassembles algae cages.

Of course, being back home we already miss being underwater and immersed in the ecosystem that we're studying. But it's also great to be home to experience a lovely Boston spring, which is always too fleeting.

Jay and Pete snorkel for algae underwater.

Anyway, since we're home, this is our last post from this expedition. But there are a few people to thank first. This trip was a major collaborative effort with key contributions from everyone on-island, and many beyond. We had a HUGE team this trip - Pete, Jay, Walter, Scott, Zach, and myself - and I just wanted to publicly thank everyone for all of their hard work. Without everyone's constant attention, we never would have accomplished so much. Also thanks to Greg and Joanne (fabulous station managers) and Martha (cook) who kept us healthy, safe, and sound. Finally, thanks to all of you for reading, and for the excellent comments and questions during this expedition!

So, it's cars and shoes for now - but soon it will be boats and bare feet again. Until then,

Randi, Pete, Walter, Jay, Zach, and Scott


  1. It seemed to me like you've had a great expedition. My congrats!!! I hope to read more posts about your water adventure!!!
