Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alaska Photo Blog: Where the ocean meets the mountains

This is the sixth in a series of daily photo posts from an expedition to Tongass National Forest by Keith Ellenbogen, a photographer and frequent contributor to the Global Explorers Blog. He recently joined Philippe Cousteau on an expedition with The Boat Company to explore Southeast Alaska's abundant wildlife. 

Fields of seaweed are visible at low tide in Saook Bay, Tongass National Forest, Alaska.
(Photo: Keith Ellenbogen)

 Seaweed sinks into the gravel on Payne Island (Keku Island), Tongass National Forest, Alaska. 
(Photo: Keith Ellenbogen) 

A lion's mane jelly (Cyanea capillata) lays stranded on the rocky shore of Saook Bay, Tongass National Forest, Alaska. (Photo: Keith Ellenbogen)
Read more about the expedition on Philippe Cousteau's blog at EarthEcho.

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