Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Laying on the Headrig

Join Aquarium Teen Program Coordinator Liz Whitlinger and campers with the Harbor Discoveries Schooner Adventure Camp. After a week of preparation, our crew of young explorers boarded a Grand Banks schooner and set sail for a five-day, four-night excursion exploring Massachusetts Bay.

Here are some thoughts from campers about the experience on board the Spirit of Massachusetts:
While on the Spirit of Massachusetts, we have the opportunity to take a test to be able to sit out on the headrig, which is the forward most part of the boat (bow) under the jib standing on a net. The test included knowing many different things around the boat. We had to now the names of the sails (jib, jumbo, fore, main), where the main sheet is tied off (quarter deck near the helm) and what the halyards are used for (hauling up the sails).

We also had to know some safety things including what to do if someone falls overboard, and the two places where lifejackets are stowed. There are certain things that you must do and say before going out on the headrig. You have to put on a harness, ask permission from the mate and announce to the people on the bow that you are going out.

The last part of the test was showing that you could tie three knots; reef, bowline and figure eight.  I think everyone has taken the test and passed to go out on the headrig. It's been a ton of fun because it is a great place to relax and watch the ocean go by. To get out onto the headrig you have to put on a harness and scure it to a line that runs to the front of the bow. You can then step onto a 'platform' of netting and either sit or stand.  It is so much fun to be up there because you can see everything around you including the entire 125 foot schooner. When we were at Stellwagen Bank we were even able to whale watch from the headrig. We spotted some whales while standing a few feet above the water on a net. We even saw a whale breaching in the distance. It was incredible and we can't wait for the rest of the week.

-Maddy and Katherine

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