Sunday, November 27, 2011

Grand Opening!

There has been a lot happening at SANCCOB lately. Penguins have been released, new penguins have been brought in for treatment, the daily hustle and bustle to keep things running for the many African penguins and chicks on site.

But the SANCCOB crew took time out on Friday to celebrate their new building!

New Building!!!

New Chick Rearing Unit

The new Chick Rearing Unit had its grand opening Friday afternoon. Having been thought about for years and built over the past several months, this new building will continue to help SANCCOB in its chick bolstering efforts. With dedicated volunteers working around the clock for the past several years, SANCCOB has managed to raise (and release) close to 2000 African penguin chicks. And what’s even better is that research has shown that these chicks do better at surviving once released than their non-SANCCOB counterparts. So this new chick rearing unit is a big deal!

Ready to cut the red ribbon

With the new building, SANCCOB will be about to ramp up their bolstering efforts and have more chicks come through their doors. With a new incubation room, young chicks (and even eggs) can be incubated, new warming beds ensure older birds will be comfortable and scales will make sure that the chicks are putting on weight (like our chicks do back at the Aquarium!) as they should.

Incubation room
Warming beds

With its own set of supplies, washing machines and food prepping areas, this new building is separate entity, important for making sure that no cross-contamination happens between different groups of birds. However, it could not be more central to SANCCOB’s mission of helping abandoned seabirds and their African penguin chick bolstering program. There are a few more finishing touches that have to happen before the building is fully operational, but I know that the staff is very excited to start this new chapter. So congratulations to SANCCOB and here’s to a future of many successfully raised chicks!

Prep area

Nice accommodations-five stars!

Learn more about the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds, or SANCCOB and their Chick Bolstering Project.

Follow the adventures of Jo's co-worker, Paul! Aquarium penguin biologist Paul Leonard is also in South Africa to study and care for African penguins in the Southern Hemisphere! Read about his experience on the Penguin Blog.

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