Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fiji: Exploration and expression

For the past several years, the New England Aquarium has participated in a joint expedition to Fiji, along with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and other conservation-minded groups and individuals. The last expedition took place in October and November 2010. Today's post about exploring Fiji's underwater seascape through a camera lens comes from underwater photographer and regular Explorers Blog contributor Keith Ellenbogen.

Beneath the surface of Fiji’s clear blue seas are schools of fusiliers, anthias, damsels and a myriad of other colorful fishes that appear to be dancing to a rhythm that only they can hear. To me— the observer and not a performer — it is like a well orchestrated and choreographed underwater Broadway Show.

The performance is all around me, on many stages simultaneously. Overwhelmed, I’m able to take in only a few of the many scenes or acts that are there to be enjoyed. The diverse and vibrant color palette, coupled with a seemingly infinite diversity of shapes, sizes, and methods of movement, all combine to create images of underwater seascapes that demand that the observer take special note and commit to memory. It is a world where nature is clearly in constant motion, changing, and revealing secrets right before my eyes.  

As I now reflect on this recently completed assignment, I'm sharing a few of my favorite images here. I’m hopeful that they communicate something special, maybe inspiring you to go there yourself, or if you can’t, perhaps a feeling that you need to support and protect this beautiful place that I’ve been lucky enough to visit six times.

I will need to return to it soon. 

-Keith Ellenbogen

Take a look at all of Keith's posts and see more of his pictures here on the Global Explorers Blog.

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