Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bahamas Spring 2015 | Diving the Sapona

Aquarium divers are on an expedition to the Bahamas right now! They will collect fish destined for the Giant Ocean Tank. Chris will be blogging live from the boat with pictures and stories about what it takes to bring fish from the Bahamas to Boston. 

Sapona wreck is a popular dive site

Spent the morning at the Sapona—once a concrete-hulled cargo steamer that ran aground near Bimini during a hurricane in 1926, now a popular Bahamas dive site where we successfully collected some harlequin basses (trip fish!), butterflyfishes, balloonfishes, yellow stingrays and more.

Most of the fish here inhabit the waters around the perimeter of the ship's hull, therefore we spend the majority of our bottom time—as much as 75 minutes due to the shallow depth—outside of it. But swimming into the skeleton for a look was something I couldn't pass up. 

Inside the wreck

There are plenty of uncollectable fish here too, including this beautiful and venomous specimen!

Watch out for the scorpionfish!

— Chris

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