A flyfisherman catches a pink (humpy) salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha).
(Photo: Keith Ellenbogen)
A flyfisherman casts for salmon and trout in a stream near Saook Bay, Tongass National Forest, Alaska.
(Photo: Keith Ellenbogen)
A pink (humpy) salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) with a flyfishing hook (Photo: Keith Ellenbogen)
[Note: In addition to being a popular fish for recreational anglers, Alaska salmon also supports a large commercial fishery starting each year in the spring and running through the fall. Alaska's commercial salmon fisheries are recognized as being environmentally responsible because of facets such as effective management, low rates of bycatch, and the use of fishing gear that does not cause substantial disturbance to marine habitats. These factors all contribute to the Alaska salmon fisheries being considered ocean-friendly.]
Read more about the expedition on Philippe Cousteau's blog at EarthEcho.
Keith, stunning as always! Can't wait to hear more...